Rolling Rodeo Header

Thank you to all who participated and volnteered for our Fall Rolling Rodeo!

Look forward to more dates in the Spring of 2025.

Rolling Rodeos give kids the opportunity to learn basic bike-riding skills, safe riding/rolling practices, and the importance of wearing a helmet.

Whether  rolling around town, on trails, or out on the county’s country roads, it’s important that kids know the rules of the road and how to keep themselves safe when riding, skateboarding, or skating around traffic.

Through a series of fun, interactive activities on a protected obstacle course, participants will learn how to navigate roadways, understand traffic signals, and practice safe biking techniques. With expert guidance and plenty of encouragement, kids will gain confidence on their wheels and discover the excitement of riding, rolling, and exploring the world around them. 

Participants in the event will receive an official Certificate of Completion and a Rolling Rodeo sticker for their helmet or rolling device.

The event will also include:

  • Water and Snacks: Refreshments will be available during the event. 
  • Helmet Giveaway and Fitting: Proper helmet use is crucial for bike safety. Participating kids will be given a FREE, custom-fitted helmet to take home. 
  • Bike Repair and Check Up: Experts will be available to make sure participants’ bikes are in good operating condition and that tires are properly inflated. Our youngest riders will be helped with learning to balance on a bike.
  • Community Engagement: Talbot Thrive’s Rolling Rodeo is made possible through the generous support and participation of many community volunteers, including Talbot County Public Schools, the Maryland Highway Safety Office, Critchlow Adkins Children’s Centers, Easton Utilities, and Building African American Minds.

We invite all Talbot County families to join the festivities and take advantage of this valuable opportunity to enhance their children’s biking skills and safety awareness.

For more information about how you to get involved, volunteer or be a sponsore, contact Heather Grant, Talbot Thrive Executive Director, at 410-591-6092 or

Maryland Highway Safety Office
Talbot County Public Schools
Critchlow Adkins
Easton Utilities Logo
Easton Police Department
Town of Easton
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